File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate
H. Nelson
T.H. Nelson proposes
the development of the Evolutionary List File (ELF), a file structure
characterized by “the capacity for intricate and idiosyncratic arrangements,
total modifiability, undecided alternatives, and thorough internal documentation”
Built with a lot of zippered files the ELF would fulfill user needs for
personal filing and manuscript assembly.
ELF specifications are “the ability to accept large and growing bodies
of text and commentary “the ability to “file texts in any form and arrangement
desired…under an unlimited number of categories, allowing “index manipulations”
known as “dynamic indexing” and permitting evolutionary “dynamic outlining”.
characterizes the ELF as an evolutionary file structure which can be shaped
into various forms and changed from one arrangement to another in accordance
with the user’s changing needs. Nelson’s
system contains three elements: entries, list, and links. An entry is a unit of information such as
text or pictures; a list is an ordered set of entries; and a link is a bridge
between different entries in different list.
Nelson introduces the Personalized Retrieval, Indexing, and
Documentation Evolutionary System (PRIDE) which is an information handling
language that helps facilitate the ELF usage.
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