Thursday, November 12, 2015

"New Media"

Media is a connection between people worldwide.  Via satellite, web, phones, iPad, messenger, and many more ways to connect, media gives us all something that makes our lives easier and "faster" that would not be possible without technology and constant evolution.  Everything we do daily is some form of connection and use of media with others around us.  Verbal communication, non-verbal communication, video gaming, surfing the web, talking on the phone, texting, and even singing along to songs is connecting us through our great use of different media outlets.  These things mentioned help and hurt the world because they all have unavoidable pros and cons.  YouTube and Google (probably the largest media swingers worldwide) play a major role in how people today view, perceive, accept, and go about living in society.  We live in a world where everything is recorded and replayed.  Replayed is recognition of everything not once but over again so watching what one says and does at all times is vital.

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